Saturday, November 17, 2007

Planting flowers for the spring!!!

Today has been a great day, it is a wonderful fall day. So I planted all my flower bulbs for the spring. At least 80 of them all in pots because we hope to move before the spring and the bulbs have to go with us. This is one of those days you get a lot done I like that because during the week I just don't feel like it. My work is going great.... last week was my first full week and so far I am really liking it. I take care of recruiting of PT, OT and ST's.....(therapist) and staffing. For now only the nursing homes in Louisville. In a little bit also other cities, in total 21 facilities. It is a lot of problem solving work.....So still in health care but more the business site.

I need to go now hope all is well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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