Monday, April 23, 2007


People have a look at our website Fatima orphanage! It is all new.
It talks about how things are going and what our plan is. I would love to go back to Liberia In the Winter. Hope it is going to work out!!! Signe and Lani are back in Liberia for 3 weeks.

Love Anna

Thursday, April 19, 2007

This is the house!!!

I need to keep it short. I am at our place to be able to show you the place we are staying in but it is getting really late now. I worked longer....bla bla bla.... But this is it. I love it.... Our cat is really crazy now I am at home. She loves to be padded she used to hate that. I guess it works when you leave.
Love Anna

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

We are staying in their house!

We are staying in their house.....I still need to post a picture of the house but I don't know how to get the pictures on this computer so I have to go home and work on our computer. I think I will do that tomorrow. That dog is so sweet, we will have her the last weekend we are here. I would love to have a dog, the problem is you have to walk them and pick up there...... yes I do not like that part of having a dog. So not for now......maybe when we have kids who are old enough.
Love Anna

Monday, April 16, 2007

So sad....

Sins this blog is about our life.... Today is a sad day! The shooting in Virginia makes me so sad. So far 33 people got killed in a shooting on collage campus. I can not believe what is happening to people sometimes. What is happening in this WORLD? What is going true your head if you do something like that. So these flowers are for all the people who got shot and there friend's and Families....
Love Todd & Anna

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Why I love Thursday's

I love Thursday's, it means the week is almost over and it is going to be weekend. Friday is dress down day....every 2 weeks when we get paid. We do not have to where our scrubs. Some people love them I just don't. get to be your self, you can where normal close. It's fun you get to see what the rest of your co-workers normally would look like. Some surprise me ...and some...disappoint me really bad.... ha ha ha!

anyway this does not tell you anything about the Thursday's I love....I guess it's just because it is almost Friday!

Love, Anna
P.S. The picture I found in Katie's computer. This is during a Christmas dinner....

Monday, April 9, 2007

I am Back!!!

Hello hello,

I can not believe it....where does the time go??? I realy have to blog more Sorry sorry. We are staying in this great house. And I just did not have any time to blog....but I am back. I was looking for a picture of our friends on the coputer(They told us to feel at home)! can not find one.....but I love this one! NO it is not Louisville.....
Love, Anna