Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring is back!! after a long winter...

We hebben onze eerste warme dagen gehad!! super lekker... alles word nu groen. Het is nu een stuk makkelijker om uit bed te komen in de morgen.
We had our first warm days!! very nice... everything is turning green. It is easy to get out of my bed in the morning.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Hair cut!

I am ready for spring! Decided My hair dresser was allowed to do some cutting her way! So it is a lot shorter and I realy like it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sneeuw / Snow.....and Ice!!

A couple weeks ago we had some snow and lots of ice. Very pretty as you can see... I am very ready for spring this week we are supposed to get some warmer weather!!!